
You want some more of this, tough guy?

This honey badger appeared to have his hands full when he was set upon by THREE leopards. But perhaps these leopards forgot who they were dealing with.

Stink bomb incoming

First of all, honey badgers can unleash a huge, foul-smelling stink bomb worse than your cousin who hasn’t showered since high school. It’s similar to what a skunk does, but skunks spray and honey badgers unleash BOMBS.

Welcome home

Honey badgers will move right into your house, lay in your bed, kiss your wife and tell you to hit the road. They take over other animals living quarters and announce say, “Who’s the new boss? I’m the new boss!”

They eat everything and anything

You know that one brother you had who wouldn’t eat anything. “Oh, it looks gross!” they’d whine. Not so with the honey badger. Don’t worry about making a stock with all your leftovers. Just give it all to a honey badger. I hear one story about a honey badger eating the parts of an old car in the junkyard.

Mean son of a gun

But most of all, honey badgers are mean as a cat when you are trying to give it bath and twice as ornery. They are widely regarded as the toughest animal on Earth. The have no fear facing down lions, pythons, bears, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Clint Eastwood in his good movies, anyone! These leopards found out the hard way.

The best part is the honey badger trotting away like it was another day in the office.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.