Food and Restaurants

10 signs your waiter is also a performer at Cirque de Soleil

If you see any of this behavior from your waiter, you can be sure he also works at Cirque de Soleil.

  1. Instead of walking to your table, they tightrope walk across a thin line suspended from the ceiling.
  2. They don’t hand you the menu; they juggle it along with salt shakers and a bottle of ketchup before it gracefully lands in front of you.
  3. When you ask for a refill, they acrobatically swing from a trapeze to fetch your drink.
  4. They don’t wear the usual waiter attire. Instead, they’re decked out in a glittering, feathered costume that would make a peacock jealous.
  5. When you ask for the check, they fold it into an origami bird and make it fly to your table.
  6. They can balance a tray of drinks, a stack of plates, and a basket of breadsticks – all while standing on one leg.
  7. When a child at the table drops a toy, they retrieve it with a dramatic contortionist move, bending backward until their hands touch the ground.
  8. They don’t sing “Happy Birthday.” Instead, they perform a mesmerizing ribbon dance around the birthday guest.
  9. When someone spills a drink, they don’t just clean it up. They turn it into a splashy interpretive dance.
  10. At the end of your meal, they don’t say goodbye. Instead, they disappear in a puff of smoke, only to reappear at the entrance to bid you farewell.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.