
10 ways to get sneak in some exercise during your day

Need some tips on how to sneak in some exercise as you go about your day? Here you go.

  1. Searching for Remote: The couch-cushion lift and shuffle when you can’t find the TV remote. Bonus points for repeated squats when checking under the furniture.
  2. Elevator Impatience Tap: That foot-tapping while waiting for the elevator? Excellent for calf activation.
  3. Lost Glasses Search: The repeated motion of patting down every pocket, table, and surface in your vicinity. A full-body tactile workout!
  4. Phone Vibration Phantom Limb: Repeatedly checking your pocket thinking your phone vibrated, only to find no notifications. Consider it rapid hand-to-pocket repetitions.
  5. Microwave Dance: Shifting from foot to foot while waiting for your food to heat up. Side-to-side sways for those added hip movements.
  6. Bed Sheet Straightening Shimmy: That little jig you do when trying to adjust and straighten your bedsheet without actually getting off the bed.
  7. Coffee Cooling Blow: The repeated short breaths to cool your coffee or tea. Cardio for your lungs!
  8. ‘Is it Raining?’ Hand Extend: The universal motion of sticking a hand out the window to check for rain. Great for shoulder flexibility.
  9. Sock Slide: Those few meters of a glorious slide on hardwood floors in your socks. Perfect for balance and core stabilization.
  10. Fridge Double-Check: Opening the fridge, closing it without taking anything, and then reopening it a minute later in hopes of new food magically appearing. Excellent for arm repetitions and practicing hope.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.