Work and Careers

10 signs you’ve made a horrible choice for a summer job

  1. You were hired by a guy wearing a pirate costume and it’s not a costume.
  2. Your boss keeps referring to you as “the intern” even though you’re 35 years old.
  3. The job description said “fun in the sun” but you haven’t seen sunlight in weeks.
  4. The orientation was held around a campfire and involved complicated secret handshakes.
  5. Your workspace is an old janitor’s closet that smells like moldy mops.
  6. Your job title is “Executive Bacon Sizzler” but you’re just flipping burgers.
  7. The company picnic is at your boss’ childhood backyard and involves a weirdly competitive sack race.
  8. You’re pretty sure the office vending machine dispenses illegal substances.
  9. Your supervisor evaluates your performance daily through interpretive dance.
  10. The staff t-shirt says “Keep calm and work for minimum wage.”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.