Travel and Places

3 Fun Facts About Texas (weird) [Texas History]

3 Fun Facts About Texas (weird) [Texas History]

Did you know that Texas is the second largest state in the United States?

Well, that’s if you ask people outside of Texas.

Inside of Texas it’s number ONE.

If you were to pull somebody aside in San Antonio and say, “Hey, how big is Texas?” they’ll say
“I figure it’s just a little bit bigger than China.”

That’s what their perception is — and if you ask how many people live in the state of
Texas, they’ll say, “Hmm, I’ll figure ten or eleven billion.”

You say, “Gee, those numbers are not very accurate.” But that’s because you live outside the
state of Texas.

Inside the state those numbers are completely accepted. That’s why they have West Texas ready to go — they figure they can put seven or eight billion people in West Texas.

Because if you ever have you’ve ever driven through West Texas, you know it takes a month or so to drive from Dallas to El Paso, and it looks like the surface of Mars.

But that’s where they plan to put the extra seven or eight billion people because they won’t have a state with twenty billion people by the year 2025 and they’re gonna most of them in West Texas. (If you’re looking for a place to live, this is a good time to stake your claim in West Texas.)

Let’s give you a little idea of what surrounds Texas: the state is surrounded by the American states of Loosey-goosey, Arkbarkies, Okie Smoky and New World Mexico. Texas has checkpoints on the borders of each of these state. When you enter the state of Texas, they want to make sure you have certain things:

Do you have your cowboy boots ready to go?

Do you have a hat?

Alright, do you have access to a horse while you’re in Texas?

You can bring a horse in but you need a horse for you and for every member of your family. So don’t just bring one horse for the whole family. You need a horse for Pa, Ma, brother, sister and little baby.

You might say, “Baby is only two months old. She can’t ride at that age!” That just shows you haven’t been to Texas. You better get a pretty Shetland pony for baby. You have to get them on that thing and riding. Because if the baby is two months old, they’re already 6 weeks behind. Babies start riding horses in Texas at the age of two weeks.

You need these things when you travel to Texas! Don’t mess around.

On the southwest border you have the Mexican states of Chihuahua, which is also known as the Wiener Dog State, Coachella, New Leon Spinks and TampDownTheTobacco.

On the southeast side is the Gulf of Hurricanes.

The Gulf of Hurricanes is named that because there’s a hurricane every 34 minutes.

And that’s why enterprising amusement park operators started a chain of parks along the Gulf Coast.

At a traditional theme park, they might have a cheesy log ride where you shoot down an incline and get a little wet and pay 40 bucks for a picture. Bad.

On the Gulf Coast of Texas, you can ride a giant surfboard that seats 75 or 80 people. The hurricanes create 100-story waves and the giant surfboard rides the wave for miles inland. You can ride from Galveston all the way all the way to Austin if you get you catch a good one.

It’s not expensive, either: $250 per family member — and you get a ride that’s around six hours long!

These are the kind of things that are available in Texas you can’t get in any other state.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.