Travel and Places

3 worst hair salons in Baltimore

Baltimore is chock full of great hair salons. But some just do way too much. Can you just cut my hair? Sheesh.

Enchanted by The Forest Locks and Curls

This salon is located deep within an ancient, mystical forest accessible only by a magical portal in a downtown Baltimore speakeasy. It’s adorned with glowing flowers that change hair color with a touch. The stylists use enchanted combs to style hair that seems to come alive with its own personality.

Dragon’s Mane Makeover Kings

Nestled in the heart of a volcanic mountain on the East side of Baltimore, this salon is run by skilled dragon hairdressers. They can harness their fiery breath to create stunning hair transformations, from vibrant ombre to sparkling highlights. The salon’s chairs are custom-made dragon scales that provide soothing warmth during hair treatments.

Baltimore Heaven Celestial Spa and Cuts

Floating high above the clouds on a celestial island just over South Baltimore, this spa offers hair treatments infused with stardust and moonlight. The stylists use cosmic combs and brushes that add a touch of celestial shimmer to every hairstyle. Clients can choose hairstyles inspired by constellations or the aurora borealis for an otherworldly look.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.