Travel and Places

4 of the Best Tourist Attractions in Texas

1. San Antonio Walk The Plank

On a scenic river running through town, you’ll find charming restaurants and shops all along the San Antonio Walk the Plank. After every meal, customers spin a dial on the table. Whoever it lands on has to walk a plank jutting out over the water and jump in. Fun!

2. Big Ben National Park

At Big Ben National Park in West Texas, situated in the middle of the Chihuahuan desert is an exact replica of Big Ben in London. During the summer months, guests are invited to plunge through the desert air on one of the most dangerous bungee-jump rides in the state.

3. Dad Joke National Seashore

Lots of laughs for the whole family when dads take the stage during Dad Jokapalooza every July at Dad Joke National Seashore. Last year, Andy Imcryininside from Ashtabula, Iowa won with this joke: “Why does the Norwegian navy have barcodes on their ships? So when they come back to port they can Scandinavian.”

4. Fort Worth Stock and Bond Museum

At the Fort Worth Stock and Bond Museum, you can see early examples of worthless stocks from the crazy wildcattin’ days of the Texas oil industry. Of particular interest is $75,000,000 of worthless stocks from when Jim “Polecat Gusher” Johnson’s General Fuel and Pump company went belly up in 1910. He hit a major gusher that shot so much oil all over the town, people were slip-sliding, falling and breaking legs, arms and necks by the hundreds every day. The lawsuits put him out of business in a week.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.