Travel and Places

Bury my Escort with KISS

A car was found buried in a guy’s backyard in Atherton, California. It wasn’t any car or any house. It was a 1990 Mercedes convertible and the house was a $15 milly mansion.

Police are trying to determine if foul play was somehow involved. Gee, I wonder.

I sure hope not, because that suspicion will turn toward the 1983 Ford Escort I buried in my backyard.

I can assure you there were no shenanigans involved.

I just wanted to preserve the car for when the aliens land and want to know what we were all about in the early 80s.

I think my classic rock 8-track tape will tell the whole story — KISS ALIVE, BACK in BLACK and Elvis Costello’s GET HAPPY! should provide a lot of insight.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.