
Everywhere Vagabond Traveler Goes He is Told, “The Water Here is Terrible!”

Vagabond travel blogger and YouTube vlog star Justin Wheresmypassport noticed something. No matter where he travels, now counting more than 150 countries, locals tell him, “Don’t drink our water. The water here is terrible!”

“It’s weird,” Justin said on a recent vlog from Kuala Lumpur. “Everyone in the world believes there water is undrinkable, where for the most part it is perfectly fine.”

“Sure he says that,” countered Iva Gotaheadachefromthewater, a local craftswoman in the main square of the small town of Nocrystalwaterhere. “But we live here and drink this junk everyday. Terrible and shameful. My cousin actually buys 50 bottles of Evian just to take a shower so she doesn’t have to bathe in our local chemical slop called water.”

“I don’t know,” Justin said. “It tastes fine to me.” He reached up to scratch a series of 1247 skin tabs that had grown on his face. “People just think their water is worse that it is.”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.