Food and Restaurants

How to make it sizzle and smoke

Busted. A Chili‘s worker posted a video revealing the secret how they get the restaurant dishes to sizzle and smoke so it looks like it just came off the grill. They put your order on a warmed cast iron pan (not used to cook it) and then pour a combination of soy sauce and fat on the edges around the food so it smokes and sizzles. Then they take “the longest route possible” to your table so other people see it and order it.

What the…are you a former Chili’s pro? Did you know this secret?

OK, hang on to your britches. Move closer – I have to whisper. Applebee‘s is on the grift. But they just use plain old water.

Feel betrayed? I say “Whatever! Where are my fajitas?”

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.