Joe Ditzel Has Some Problems With Winter – Book
- Man, it’s cold out here
- Omaha braces for winter’s wrath: The emergence of ‘blizznadoes’
- That first day it gets really cold every winter
- 10 signs your current wardrobe is not ready for winter weather
- 10 signs winter is right around the corner
- Slimming winter jacket?
- Rip your eyelashes out
- That one friend who always takes a new fashion trend too far
- Come into the office? What?
- City of Los Angeles Passes Ordinance Preventing Temperature from Dropping Below 67 Degrees
- San Diego Resident Searches 7 Weeks in Attic and Basement for Stored Winter Jacket for Holiday Trip To Relatives in Chicago
- When You Shovel The Driveway
- Clean the Dang Snow Off My Street
- Mans Wears Dog On Head Like Russian Hat
- Woman Found In House Sobbing and Screaming “Winter Will Never End!”
- Cleveland Man Won’t Shovel Sidewalks
- Man In Yellow Coat Always Asked To Direct Cars In Parking Lots
- Tired of Winter? These Canadians Eat Winter For Breakfast