Cars and Traffic

Removing slow drivers with a well-time pit maneuver

It should be legal to do a TVI — Tactical Vehicle Intervention, aka pit maneuver — on people driving 10mph or more BELOW the speed limit to remove them from your lane. Just yesterday, as I drove down the highway frustration began to well inside of me. A slow-moving car was hogging the left lane, forcing me to switch lanes constantly to pass them. My blood boiled as I checked my speedometer, only to see that I was driving 10mph over the speed limit, while the car in front of me was barely going 10mph below it.

I decided enough was enough. If the law wouldn’t allow me to take action, then I would take matters into my own hands. I revved my engine and, with a sudden burst of speed, pulled up alongside the slow-moving car. I could see the driver’s face, a look of annoyance similar to my own, as I made eye contact.

Without warning, I swerved my car into theirs, sending them spinning out of control. It was a perfect Tactical Vehicle Intervention, just like the ones the police use to stop high-speed chases. The other car spun off the highway, and the lane opened up. Yippee!

What’s this? The guy I spun out pulled up on the right side of my car. As he rolled down the window, I braced myself for a shouting match. But to my surprise, he calmly asked, “What the hell was that for?”

I took a deep breath, trying to control my anger. “You were driving too slow in the left lane,” I replied. “You were blocking traffic.”

“So you decided to spin me out?” he asked incredulously.

I shrugged. “It worked, didn’t it?”

He shook his head. “You could have killed me. You could have killed someone else on the road.” He dropped back half a car length and hit with with the same maneuver.

My car started spinning in perfect time to the beat of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” playing on the radio. I loved it. “Woo hoooo!” I yelled, laughing my head off.

As my car came to a stop, I looked over to the other driver, who was now grinning from ear to ear. “You know what, you’re right. That was kind of fun,” he said.

We spent the rest of the day spinning out each other’s car all over the highway. Then the sirens slowly got louder.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.