Politics and Government

Seattle sells old fire station, guy turns it into a house – city goes after him for not using it as a fire station

Seattle had an old fire station they weren’t using.

“Let’s sell it!,” they thought. “Heck, we’ll tell potential buyers it is a “unique residential opportunity!'”

So a guy bought it at auction. He turned it into a residence! You know, because it was a “unique residential opportunity!”

Four year later, some Karen complains to the city that somebody is living in a firehouse.

Oh, my gosh! This is outrageous! I’m very upset about this! Will you look at it! This non-problem is ruining my non-life!

The city inspector comes out, peeks in the windows and says to themselves, “Yup, this looks like somebody is living here. This here is a VIOLATION!”

And they notify the owner he is illegally living in fire station.

Say what?

This is where government fails. Big fail. Huge fail.

Somebody at the city should have immediately put an end to it, saying, “Well this is obviously a mistake. We sold him the house as a potential residence. Not only did he turn it into a residence, he did a great job fixing it up. It looks cool and really enhances the neighborhood while also preserving the storied history of our great city. Leave him alone.”

Did that happen? Did somebody use common sense?

Of course not.

The guy had to sue the city.

He had to sue the city that sold him a fire station as a potential residence and then hit him with violations that he wasn’t using it as a fire station.

I hope he and his legal team all showed up to court in firefighter gear with the cool hats and the big boots. “Your honor, this situation started out as a small spark, but now is a blaze of baloney out of control. We intend to show some Karen started this fire and the city backed up their nonsense by illegally coming on the property. They city could have put it out right away. Instead, they not only poured gasoline on it, they threw logs the size of California Redwoods on it to keep it burning.”


Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.