Travel and Places

Snow shovel golf: Indianapolis’s chilliest sports sensation

Indianapolis, IN – As winter blankets Indianapolis in layers of white, a new sport has residents exchanging their golf clubs for snow shovels and their warm couches for icy greens. Enter Snow Shovel Golf, the latest – and coldest – sporting trend to hit the Midwest.

From Driveway to Fairway

Born from an accident involving a rubber ball, a snow shovel, and an icy driveway, Snow Shovel Golf was the brainchild of retired postal worker and avid golfer, Frosty Mulligan. “I was shoveling my driveway when I smacked a kid’s stray ball,” he recalled. “It slid, bounced, and nestled perfectly into a hole in the frozen pond. A lightbulb went off!”

Swing, Slide, Score!

The game is simple: players use the wide scoop of a snow shovel to launch a rubber ball forward, navigating icy obstacles and snowy dunes. Once at the ice hole, the shovel’s handle becomes the perfect putter, guiding the ball to its chilly destination.

A Cold Course with a Warm Reception

With Indianapolis’s penchant for freezing winters, Snow Shovel Golf courses have popped up across town, ranging from beginner-friendly parks to expert-level ice canyons. Each course boasts unique challenges like the “Snowman Bunker” and the treacherous “Icicle Ravine”.

Equipment and Attire

While the snow shovel remains the primary tool, players have started customizing their shovels for better grip, aerodynamics, and style. As for attire, forget the traditional golf cap and polo. Snow Shovel Golfers sport thermal onesies, ski goggles, and the occasional polar bear hat.

Testimonials from the Tundra

Local enthusiast Icy Ella shared her experience: “I’ve been golfing for years, but nothing gets your blood pumping like trying to birdie while battling a snowstorm!”

However, not all are fans. Frostbite Freddie lamented, “I thought golf was slow. Try waiting for your ball to thaw out of an ice mound!”

Snowy Tournaments and Championships

Given its growing popularity, the first annual “Shovel Masters Championship” is set to take place next winter, with participants competing for the coveted “Golden Shovel” and a year’s supply of hot cocoa.

A New Winter Tradition?

As Indianapolis residents look for new ways to embrace the cold, Snow Shovel Golf offers a perfect blend of sport, silliness, and shivers.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.