Travel and Places

This Portland house had demons. So they opened it up as year-round haunted house.

In the heart of Portland stood a beautiful Victorian home known by locals as the “Waverly-Duncan Residence.” Though it was charming to look at, rumors persisted that it was cursed. Dark shadows, eerie voices, and sudden cold gusts were just a few of the stories told about the house. Many said it was haunted by demons.

The house changed hands multiple times. Each new owner was optimistic about renovating and living there, but they always left within a few months. The tales of mischievous spirits became so common that locals began avoiding the street altogether.

Enter Alex and Morgan, a young entrepreneurial couple who saw opportunity where others saw only terror. They purchased the house, not to live in, but to transform it into a year-round Halloween attraction. They called it “Waverly-Duncan Haunted Mansion.”

The couple was strategic in their approach. They preserved much of the original architecture, adding only a few subtle touches to enhance the spookiness. They even hired paranormal experts to communicate with the spirits, ensuring that the real haunted essence remained intact.

To the shock of many, the demons seemed to play along. Doors would creak open on their own, lights would flicker sporadically, and ghostly whispers became part of the tour. Visitors would often report feeling unseen hands brushing against them or a sudden drop in temperature.

Word spread quickly, and soon, people from all over the country flocked to Portland to experience the genuine haunted house. The lines snaked around the block, and the tickets, priced ambitiously, were always sold out.

In the first year alone, Waverly-Duncan Haunted Mansion raked in over $400,000 in revenue. Alex and Morgan expanded the business, adding a gift shop with ghost-themed merchandise, night tours with infrared cameras, and hosting séances. They became local celebrities and were often interviewed about their success.

The couple maintained a good relationship with the spirits. They believed that by transforming the house into an attraction, they gave the restless entities a purpose and an audience. And in return, the spirits gave them a booming business.

The story of Waverly-Duncan Haunted Mansion is now part of Portland’s urban legends. It’s a tale of innovation, entrepreneurship, and the unyielding spirit of both the living and the dead.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.