Fashion and Style

5 most outrageous Cyber Monday gifts for barbers

Get ready as we present the best Cyber Monday gift ideas for barbers this year. These gifts are bound to either cut up some laughter or be brushed off like stray hairs on a salon floor.

1. The Self-Cutting Hair Kit: No Barber Required!

Leading the charge is the “Self-Cutting Hair Kit.” This revolutionary kit promises to cut hair by itself, rendering the barber’s skills unnecessary. Perfect for the barber who enjoys the irony of gifting something that could, hypothetically, put them out of business.

2. The Ever-Growing Wig: Never Stop Cutting!

Next up is the “Ever-Growing Wig.” This wig grows hair continuously, providing an endless opportunity for cutting and styling. Ideal for the barber who wishes for a client that never says, “That’s too short.”

3. The Invisible Beard Oil: For the Unseen Facial Hair!

Introducing the “Invisible Beard Oil.” This product promises to perfectly style and groom beards that are, well, invisible. It’s a must-have for barbers who pride themselves on taking care of facial hair that may or may not exist.

4. The Mirror with Compliments: Boost Your Ego!

Behold the “Mirror with Compliments.” This mirror not only reflects images but also throws out random compliments. It’s designed for the barber who enjoys a bit of ego boost while snipping and trimming.

5. The Elevating Broom: Clean Floating Hair

Sure, a regular broom can get all those hairs on the floor. What about floating hairs? We got you! The Elevating Broom is like a mid-air Roomba that floats around all day cleaning the air.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.