Space and Exploration

5 ways to communicate with an alien you meet on the street

Emotion Resonance Chamber

A device that, when activated, allows both the human and alien to feel and understand each other’s emotions, bridging communication through shared feelings and emotional states.

Bio-luminescent Drawing

If the alien has the ability to perceive light and color, one could use a special pen that emits bio-luminescent ink. Drawing images and concepts could become a universal way to communicate without relying on verbal language.

Quantum Thought Transference Helmet

A helmet that, when worn by both parties, reads and translates brainwaves into abstract visual patterns. These patterns would be projected in a shared space between the users, allowing interpretation of each other’s thoughts.

Harmonic Frequency Communicator

A device that transforms speech or thought into musical notes or harmonies. Assuming the alien species has a concept of sound or vibration, the nuances of each note or harmony could convey complex messages.

Dimensional Dream Sharing

Using technology or psychic abilities, one could enter a shared dream state with the alien. Within this dream realm, symbols, scenarios, and experiences could be used to communicate concepts and ideas in a way that’s more universally relatable.

Joe Ditzel

Joe Ditzel is a keynote speaker, humor writer, and really bad golfer. You can reach him via email at [email protected] as well as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.