Joe Ditzel Has Some Problems With Shopping – Book
- The saga of the package that almost was
- Locked up at Target
- Drop it like it’s hot
- What’s the use? The handles break off as soon as I put the bags in the car
- Stores give up on self-checkout?
- Dozens of major retailers went out of business in 2023
- 5 most absurdly nerdtastic Cyber Monday gift ideas
- 5 dumb Cyber Monday gift ideas for tennis players
- 5 most absurd Cyber Monday product ideas for taxi drivers
- 5 hilariously bad Cyber Monday gifts for a handyman
- 5 insane Cyber Monday gifts for cooks
- 5 most impractical Cyber Monday gifts for truckers
- 5 fantastic Cyber Monday car accessory deals
- And in this corner
- 5 most amazing Black Friday deals of 2023
- Deep Discounts at the Mall of Killer Sharks
- Portland’s trippy new retail “experiences”
- So that is how we are playing it?
- But it’s better than office work you can’t deny
- Uh, can you explain this giant hole in the roof?
- Can I substitute the lima beans? Please?
- That feeling when Amazon says your package won’t arrive for another four weeks
- Seems a little rude to make fun of your customers
- Amazon customers tell company they are OK with three day delivery if it stops vans from driving on their lawn
- We also have almonds, too, sir!
- For some reason when surveying auto-detailing products I stand like a superhero
- I want him arrested! I’m over in the soups aisle!
- Let me put that in a bag for you and happy holidays!
- In line at the Marshall’s sale
- Ride like the wind, son! Ride like the wind!
- Buy Two, Get One Free
- Government Agents Lob Tear Gas At Wild Shopping Crowds
- 7 of the Best Black Friday Deals 2018
- 3 Things to Buy At Sears Right Now Before They Shut Down And Become Laser Tag Spaces
- Something tastes different about these grill dogs
- 10 Amazing Things That Happened At a Wild Liquor Store Half-Price Sale
- Where are the bathrooms?
- Costco removes beloved Polish dog from food court menu
- Ten Cents For a Bag
- The Urgent Call of Nature
- Woah, Woah, Sir! That’s Not My Stuff!
- Lady Tells Me to Go %$@^% Myself
- 3 Amazing Things You Can Buy At Costco
- Choosing prizes on the old Price is Right with Bob Barker
- 3 Crazy People in Parking Lots
- What the Hell is This BS?
- The $3.44 Golf Hat Without a Tag
- Liquor Store Still Open
- What aisle is shampoo?
- Hey, is that a Timex there?
- What’s the electric bill at American Apparel?
- Shoes Are Cursed
- “Do you have the Velcro with the DEEP HOOKS?”
- You Always Realize It Right When You Get Home
- Make Sure You Get Some Pasta!
- Hi Honey, I’m At Herculean Hippo!
- The Shocking Difference In Dressing Room Lighting in 17 Stores
- Shop Owner Forgets To Tell Town His New Store Is Open For Business, Closes
- Strangest Items For Sale On Amazon Prime Day 2015
- 7 Worst Men’s Fashion Choices As Rated By Women
- Review: Duck Brand Neon Lime Green Duct Tape
- CaddyTek One-Click Folding 4-Wheel Golf Push Cart Review
- Review: ProActive Green Go Pocket Ball Washer
- Crazy Cashiers: Hungry Man Dinners and Doughnuts
- Drive-Thru at Macy’s
- Milking My Patience
- I Died While Carrying Groceries
- I’m Just Getting A Few Things
- Sir, Do You Want That Bagged?
- Cough! Cough! Cough!
- Heard In Line At The Grocery Store – Luci and Desi
- 7 Things You Should Not Buy At The Dollar Store
- Crazy People at the Store: Taking-Thirty-Minutes-To-Pay-With-My-Fifteen-Kids Lady
- Crazy People at the Store: Oblivious-Yelling-Post-Office Lady
- Crazy People At The Store: Overzealous Mopping Guy
- Crazy People At The Store: Mr. Next-In-Line-Overly-Impatient Guy
- Do You Work Here?
- That’s A Good Flick
- Mr. Ditzel, Brianna Will See You Now
- Beauty School Graduate
- Take My Money…Please
- Shoeless Joe Ditzel
- Never Been Butter
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