Joe Ditzel Has Some Problems With Tech – Book
- Every morning it’s the same
- Uncovering the sinister truth behind motion-activated paper towel dispensers
- News Report: Thousands of unexplained drones fill New Jersey skies
- The saga of the package that almost was
- New watch makes fun of your emotions – Amazon
- You are always number one in my eyes
- Apple Introduces SynapTap AI that automatically connects your iPhone to your brain
- Headline I didn’t expect to see today: Neighbor sues homeowner whose WiFi he was “borrowing” when the owner added a password and denied him access.
- Apple’s iPhone 16 introduces revolutionary ‘cone of silence’ to muzzle public speakerphone shenanigans
- Somebody call my phone so I can find it.
- My password brain is on empty
- Little known iPhone feature: Scroll the keyboard with one finger
- Google Maps caught me on the sidewalk in Los Angeles dancing to “Footloose”
- Living in a college town near finals week
- The great Windows upgrade inquisition: pop-ups and persistence
- Use your outside voice in the Denny’s
- Ten incredible flying cars that will be zooming outside your window very soon
- Bel Air Mansion Sports Rose Gold iPhone Roof, Becomes Talk of the Town
- American Adventurer Wins Iditarod Race with iPhone-Enhanced Sled
- How schools are helping students learn better and faster using the iPhone 15
- 10 new sports made possible with the new iPhone 15
- 10 amazing new features of the new iPhone 15
- 10 insane AI chatbots you have to try today
- 10 incredible inventions from cutting-edge Nashville inventors
- Dallas-based Pokemon Go characters are all the rage
- Time to get back to the wonders of nature
- Are you phubbing me right now?
- Sculpting memories for intergalactic treaties
- Footprints and buggy tracks
- How did a Spanish ship out to remap the Mediterranean get lost?
- Mark Zuckerberg is on a “campaign for cool”
- I asked Google’s Bard to write a joke about Elon Musk naming a new Twitter CEO
- Was this legal back in the day?
- Bing’s new AI is very impressive
- New AI scam sweeping the country
- Elon Musk announces new 3D food “printer”
- Let me start this paper, yo, anddddd, it’s done
- That feeling when your phone has been charging for 4 hours and it’s up only five percent
- In the pantheon of tech product failures this might be king
- Plans after college graduation
- Airlines are offering virtual reality sets to passengers and the results are terrifying
- Shovel my hulu
- Can you add a scroll at the bottom that updates Vegas spreads every minute?
- The reason I’m going to stop using this wildly popular software
- Clear as streaky mud on your windshield during a spring rainstorm
- Alexa, what is life all about?
- A professor in Japan
- On-demand eyeglass cleaning
- Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, my favorite ten thousand family members!
- How Chipsville, Texas saved the world
- I washed my phone. I don’t mean I cleaned it.
- It is a noise for which to cleave the head
- Arteck Bluetooth Keyboard Honest Review
- T-Mobile and Taco Bell Announce T-MoBell Stores
- Electric Scooter Rider Drowns After Attempting Ride Over Water to Catalina Island
- CAJISO Digital Wrist Watch Made of Paper – Product Review
- Amazon Announces New Headquarters and Casino in Town of Amazon Prime, Nevada
- Apple Computer Stocks Soar on New Plan to Sell Real Apples
- Elon Musk and SpaceX Announce New Interplanetary Pogo Stick Service
- Photo Op: First Generation iPhone
- When you sit down to write…
- How to ride a scooter
- 3 Dangerous Ways the Government is Spying on Your Right Now
- Can you get back in your spaceship and get the heck out of here?
- Hundreds of Mysterious Radio Signals From Space – Aliens?
- Man’s Wallet Excavated By Bitcoin Miners
- 10x Your Productivity With A See-Through Shower Curtain With Pockets For Your Phone or Tablet
- Wisconsin Poised to Become Next Tech Power Center
- Fake IDs Online from China
- Kim Kardashian is Giving Up on Taking Selfies
- Rude Awakening
- Portland Family’s Amazon Echo Records Audio In Secret and Sends to Random Person
- Tell Me Another One
- 3 Ways To Succeed on YouTube
- Former Pentagon Expert Says UFOs are Real
- My New Lenscrafter Specs Tell Me You Are Lying
- How About Some Lead, Sonny!?
- Don’t Worry About My Face
- Sweden Wants Your Trash
- 10 Dumb Jokes Alexa Told Me
- Don’t Do What I Just Told You To Do
- If You are Lucky, It Won’t Get Stolen
- Alexa, Rewind 60 Seconds
- Alexa Drone Army Advances on Humankind
- NASA sells priceless Apollo 11 lunar bag for $1000
- Making Out in a Self-Driving Car
- iPhone 7 – No Headphone Jack??!! | Joe Ditzel Vlog
- US Ballistic Missiles Still Run on Floppy Disks
- 3 Business Ideas You Can Start Today
- Elon Musk Announces Mission To Mars
- 10 Eerie Scenes Caught On Google Street View
- My Reaction to Fine Brothers Giving Up on React World
- I React To Fine Brothers Reaction Video Controversy
- Why People Believe The Earth is Flat
- Guy Records Vacation on GoPro with the Camera Backwards
- Local Man Livestreams Entire Life On Periscope and Meerkat
- Hillary Clinton Launches Email Hosting and Marketing Startup
- New Uber Division Targets Hipsters
- Alonzo Cross Patents Ballpoint Pen – Dry Cleaners Rejoice
- You Know What I Really Want Right Now? Some Blueberry Waffles and Hash Browns
- What the Hell? I Just Cleaned This Window!
- Sometimes No Matter What You Do, Things Come Out Upside Down
- 7 Hottest Silicon Valley Startups
- Stove-Fired Wi-Fi Router at Burning Man 2015
- Spiritual Leader Streamcasts Live From Burning Man 2015
- Periscoper Eats Breakfast and Burps During Livestream
- YouTube Tutorial Video Gal Can’t Get to the Point
- Should Have Deleted The Account
- My Startup Was Successfully Funded
- We Don’t Know How Lucky We Are in Life
- Elon Musk Tests Early Version of the Hyperloop
- How The Ohio State Buckeyes Plan To Repeat As National Champions
- 5 Apps That Could Stop Plunging Apple Watch Sales
- 5 Ways Windows 10 is Spying on You
- New Windows 10 Eliminates These Annoying Windows Problems
- 9 Insane Machines That Are Hard To Believe
- Man Disappointed With Results of Googling Himself
- 27 Blurry Out-of-Focus Pictures of Downtown Columbus At Night
- 13 Blurry Pictures of Comfest 2015 – Columbus, OH
- Kids, Did I Ever Tell You About The Library?
- Man Invents Boom Box-Powered Bicycle
- 7 New Tech Gadgets That Will Debut by the End of the Year
- 7 Ways My Life Improved When I Got Off Facebook
- Amazon Echo Roll Out: The Machines Are Taking Over
- How Cloud Computing Works
- Crazy Phones: Mr. I’ll-Never-Own-A-Smartphone
- The Loneliest Rover
- 7 Amazing Images of Human Emotions
- Heck, Stan…
- Inventor of The Selfie Stick
- First Day At Google
- I Wouldn’t Say We Are Close
- Zeb and Zed – Dialysis
- Unemployed in a Sea of Tech Jobs
- Wife Catches Him Late Again
- Facebook Removes “Feeling Fat” Status
- TickleWake Cracks Apple App Store Top 10
- How To Get Started in a Photography Career
- 9 Crazy Machines You Didn’t Know Existed
- First Known Photograph of a Human
- Designer Creates The First Selfie Hat
- Tweeting Babies
- Slightly Crazy People in San Francisco: Mr.-Latest-Apple-Product
- I Don’t Think William Wallace Would Have Battled It Out on YouTube
- 5 TED Talks That Show TED Has Jumped The Shark
- An Open Letter To Overly-Sponsored Websites
- An Open Letter To YouTube Video Tutorial Makers: Edit Fluff
- An Open Letter To YouTube Video Tutorial Makers: Audio Levels
- How To Cool Down A Laptop Computer Before It Catches on Fire
- How To Get a $40,000 Car For $500 on Craigslist
- Lousy Wireless Reception
- Hot Under the Platen
- Wordsquatters
- Is Chris Rock There?
- EWally.com
- Head Lock
- Frustrated.com
- Supergeek